What You Need to Know About Eminent Domain

Eminent domain is a legal concept that allows government entities to acquire private property for public use. While it is an essential tool for infrastructure development and community projects, it can significantly impact property owners. In Pennsylvania, understanding your rights and the eminent domain process is crucial if you find yourself facing property condemnation. At Leeson & Leeson, our Pennsylvania real estate law attorneys ensure that our clients know the essentials of any eminent domain claim they are facing.

What Is Eminent Domain in Pennsylvania?

Eminent domain, also known as condemnation or taking, is the legal process through which the government takes private property for public purposes. These purposes can include building or expanding highways, constructing public buildings, and other projects that benefit the community. In Pennsylvania, eminent domain is governed by both state and federal laws, which outline the procedures and requirements for property acquisition.

Your Rights as a Property Owner

Just Compensation

One of the most important rights for property owners facing eminent domain is the right to just compensation. The government is required to provide property owners with fair market value for the property being taken. This compensation should cover not only the property’s value but also any associated costs, such as relocation expenses. Our eminent domain attorneys will ensure you receive the amount that you are entitled to.

Due Process

Property owners have the right to due process during the eminent domain process. This includes proper notice and the opportunity to challenge the taking in court if there are disputes over the necessity of the project or the amount of compensation offered.

Appraisal and Negotiation

Property owners have the right to obtain their own appraisals and negotiate with the government to reach a fair compensation amount. Legal representation from Leeson & Leeson can be invaluable during this negotiation process to ensure your interests are protected.

Partial Takings

Eminent domain does not always mean the entire property is taken. In some cases, the government may only take a portion of the property. Property owners still have rights regarding just compensation for the taken portion and how it affects the usability of the remaining property.

The Eminent Domain Process in Pennsylvania

  1. The government entity must first decide on a project that necessitates the acquisition of private property for public use. They must then follow specific procedures, including conducting surveys and appraisals.
  2. The government entity will make an initial offer to the property owner for compensation. Property owners have the right to negotiate the offer, and legal representation can be crucial in achieving a fair resolution.
  3. If negotiations fail, the government entity may file a condemnation complaint in court to formally initiate the eminent domain process.
  4. Both parties will have the opportunity to present their case in court. Property owners can challenge the necessity of the project, the amount of compensation offered, or any other legal issues.
  5. In some cases, the property owner may request a jury trial to determine just compensation.
  6. Once a final judgment is reached, the government entity must pay the property owner the determined compensation. After payment, the government takes possession of the property for the public project.

Contact Leeson & Leeson Today

Eminent domain is a complex legal process that can significantly impact property owners in Pennsylvania. Understanding your rights and having legal representation, such as the experienced Bethlehem real estate law attorneys at Leeson & Leeson, is crucial to ensure that your interests are protected throughout the process. While the government has the authority to take private property for public use, property owners have rights, including the right to just compensation and due process. If you are facing eminent domain, seek legal guidance at Leeson & Leeson today to ensure the best possible outcome for your situation.