Leeson & Leeson would be my first stop for whatever legal issue I was encountering. Highly recommended.
What Is Your Case Worth?
We get big settlements
$275 Thousand
Settlement for injuries sustained from a Motor Vehicle Accident
$1.85 Million
Million Dollar Jury Verdict for Wrongful Death Lawsuit
$60 Thousand
Settlement for injuries sustained from a Motor Vehicle Accident
Being fired because of budget cuts or restructuring can be unfortunate, but understandable. Being fired because of your race or gender can be absolutely infuriating and incredibly demeaning. If you have faced adverse employment actions, wrongful termination, sexual harassment, hostile work environments, or other wrongs in the workplace, our lawyers may be able to help you.
Our attorneys can look into the facts of your case, analyze the discrimination, look into the pretextual excuses for taking action against you, and subpoena evidence to help investigate your situation and compare it to other similar situations to look for signs of irregularities and possible grounds for an employment lawsuit.
Call our employment attorneys at Leeson & Leeson today at (610) 890-6332 for a free review of your potential case.
What Our Clients Have To Say
Highly recommended.
Abbe F.
He is the best attorney I [have] ever known.
Mr. Joseph was very knowledgeable and a pleasure to work with. Answered all my questions and was easy to contact and replied to all my questions in timely competent manner. Also his staff is very nice and polite. I would highly recommend Leeson & Leeson law office for any further needs . He is the best attorney I ever know.
Sunny Q.
...he is a good person as well as a good attorney.
“Most thought my case was too small to bother with but Attorney Leeson offered to help me because he is a good person as well as a good attorney… He kept me informed throughout the process and walked me through issues that were confusing… I’m very grateful that he agreed to help me and you can feel confident choosing him.”
Laura Accetta, PA
Theodore Roosevelt once said "speak softly but carry a big stick." The Leeson lawyers embody this principle to perfection.
“The Leeson & Leeson firm has a long-storied history of intelligent and sophisticated lawyers and aggressive and tough litigators. Theodore Roosevelt once said “speak softly but carry a big stick.” The Leeson lawyers embody this principle to perfection… I highly recommend Leeson & Leeson for anyone who wants an attorney who is of a high order of integrity and legal intelligence.”
Francis Macri, PA
Types of Employment Law Cases Our Quakertown Attorneys Handle
If you faced any kind of negative decisions at work or were subjected to sexual harassment or harassment because of a protected class. The specific type of lawsuit filed might vary based on the specifics of your case, but our attorneys can help with all of the following issues and more:
Sexual Harassment
One of the most pervasive and offensive ways you could be mistreated in the workplace is through sexual harassment. Lawsuits can be filed against workers and employers who harassed you, typically through one of two theories. Hostile workplace sexual harassment deals with unwanted remarks, rumors, bullying, or other actions discussing or referencing sexual activity or your sex, all of which make your workplace scary, dangerous, or downright inappropriate. On the other hand, quid pro quo sexual harassment deals with the attempt to get you to exchange sexual favors for better treatment or to avoid negative treatment at work – to get something in exchange for something else.
Both forms of sexual harassment can lead to damages.
Other Harassment
Other types of harassment that are not based on sex or sexuality might also be pervasive in the workplace. Similarly to how you can sue for a hostile workplace for sexual harassment, you can also sue for a hostile workplace based on racial, religious, or other mistreatment.
Whether you face discrimination in availability of opportunities, pay inequity, or simple mistreatment at work, you could be entitled to a lawsuit. There are many areas of “protected classes” in the law, and discrimination or worse treatment based on any of these listed characteristics is illegal.
Federal law has Title VII, which prevents sex, race, religious, and color discrimination as well as discrimination based on nation of origin, or perceptions about any of these traits. These traits are also protected at the state level.
Discrimination based on gender or sexual orientation has been found to inherently discriminate based on sex as well, making this also illegal under federal and state law and policy. Additionally, discrimination based on gender stereotyping is also illegal.
Discrimination is also illegal based on pregnancy status, former military service, age, disability, and other factors, under various state and federal legislation.
Wrongful Termination
Getting fired illegally is one of the worst employment outcomes, and it can have the broadest effect on your life. You may need to spend money seeking job placement, and you will certainly lose hours or even months of pay and benefits while searching for a new job. All of these expenses can be claimed as damages against your former employer if you were fired for illegal reasons, along with damages for emotional distress.
While Pennsylvania is an at-will state and allows firing for many reasons – or no reason at all – an employer still cannot fire you based on discriminatory reasons or other illegal reasons, such as firing you for refusing to do something illegal or for participating in labor organizing/unions.
Whistleblower Protections
Whistleblower laws help protect workers who need to make a report or otherwise come forward about an issue from being fired for doing their duty. Many issues in industries are only brought to light in the first place because of brave workers who stood up and did what was right, and our employment law attorneys can help protect workers like these from adverse employment actions and retaliation.
Retaliation is also incredibly common in situations that do not have explicit whistleblower protections. In many cases, employers are ultimately fired, demoted, transferred, or subjected to having their hours cut after coming forward about sexual harassment, discrimination, or other violations against their rights. When this happens, you can seek independent damages for the employer’s retaliation against you.
Many times, the retaliation already happened, which is why you are contacting our lawyers in the first place. In other cases, the retaliation only starts after you file your lawsuit or complaint against the employer. When new instances of retaliation occur, we can add additional claims to your complaint and potentially seek increased damages for each new instance of retaliation.
Areas We Serve
Proving Disparate Impact and Adverse Employment Actions in Quakertown Employment Law Cases
In order to file a lawsuit for something that happened at work, there usually needs to be either a disparate impact or an explicit “adverse employment action.”
Cases based on disparate impact often need to show that many people were harmed along racial, sex, religious, or other lines. Here, you show that something like an employer’s pay scales, promotion tracks, internal hiring, or other facially neutral rules or policies resulted in worse treatment to one race, sex, or other protected class than it did to others outside of the class.
Other cases are based on at least one specific negative thing that happened to you at work. The most obvious adverse employment action is firing, but you might also face a pay cut, hour reduction, demotion, or even a transfer. A recent Supreme Court case also clarified that transfers do not even need to cause “significant harm” to be considered adverse employment actions sufficient to show a Title VII violation.